Group Life

We believe life is better connected.
This is why Group Life is such a big deal at Live Oak. Small Groups are an ideal place to grow in Christ, while in community alongside others!

We have men’s, women’s groups and mixed groups, groups for college-aged people, groups for young adults and we also have “specialized” groups too like Sister and Seekers Women’s Bible Studies, the Nest for moms, Re|Engage for married couples and Men’s Morning Breakfast, and more. Groups meet on multiple nights of the week. Some will discuss the Sunday message, others will study a book of the Bible, while others will do video-driven studies.

Our groups meet September to early December, and then late January to early May. There is a natural pause outside of these windows due to holidays and rhythm of life. We are hoping to offer a Summer-Only group so if you’d like to be notified of that let us know!