Week of October 6

EKKLESIA: THE Church and This church

Join us this fall for a new series called “EKKLESIA” as we look at the first expression of the Church as recorded in the book of Acts. We will also explore who we are as a church here at Live Oak.  What was the Church like THEN and how should that shape who the Church should be NOW?  We will also explore who THIS church is by exploring our mission, strategy and core values, as well as start exploring “what’s next” for Live Oak Community Church.

Week 5: Bold Actions

This week we looked at the boldness of the early Church in Acts 5.  They prayed boldly and acted boldly, and God used that to advance the Gospel.  What does it mean for you to have a bold faith?  What keeps you from having a bold faith?

Our Kids Ministry is looking for volunteers to make their Sunday morning environments happen! You could make a huge impact investing in the life of some kiddos! Plus, there are so many opportunities to serve! If you might like to check out Kids Min, head to our Serving Form here!


  • What was a fear you had as a child that you overcame?  What was it and how did you overcome it?

READ: Acts 5:17-42
Spend some time SOAPing this passage. You can either spend time SOAPing individually and documenting for a several minutes and then spend time sharing with each -OR- SOAP in real time with each other. Either way make as many observations as you can.

OBSERVATIONS: What are the things that stand out to you about this passage?

  • What stands out about their boldness?

In Acts 5:41 we read, “The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.”  Read each passage out loud and briefly make some observations about how that informs us having a bold faith:

Matthew 5:10-12

John 15:20

Matthew 5:44

Romans 12:14

2 Corinthians 12:10

2 Timothy 3:12

1 Peter 4:12-17

Hebrews 11:32-40

Revelation 2:10

  • What do you think it looks like for you and for us to have a bold faith?
  • What keeps you from having a bold faith?
  • Doug shared some Boldness Baby Steps.  Which one(s) do you need to put into practice this week.  And how will you take some bold steps this week?

Bold is…PRAYING bold prayers

Bold is…PREPARING so you are ready to act boldly

Bold is…SAYING SOMETHING when it would be easier to say nothing

Bold is…Making the most of the OPPORTUNITIES that present themselves

Bold is…CREATING opportunities

Bold is…GIVING boldly and wisely

  • Would you be willing to start the next seven days with this prayer?  “Jesus, build your Church and show me my part. Enable me and enable us to speak your word with great boldness. Empower me and empower us to act boldly, wisely and faithfully. Amen.”
  • What else stood out from this week’s sermon/passage?
  • What is your big takeaway from this week’s sermon/passage?


  • Everyone has a next step to apply what we have learned. What is your next step?Be specific.

*Challenge yourself or your group to commit this verse to memory:

Acts 5:42 “Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.”

Spend some time praying for each other.  And pray this prayer as a group: “Jesus, build your Church…and show us our part. Amen!”

***Challenge your group to make this a daily prayer throughout this series:

“Jesus, build your Church and show me my part. Enable me and enable us to speak your word with great boldness. Empower me and empower us to act boldly, wisely and faithfully. Amen.”

Scripture References:

Acts 5:17-42; Matthew 5:10-12; John 15:20; Matthew 5:44; Romans 12:14; 2 Corinthians 12:10; 2 Timothy 3:12; 1 Peter 4:12-17; Hebrews 11:32-40; Revelation 2:10; Acts 6:1-7:60; Acts 8:1-3; Acts 4:32-35; Matthew 16:18

Big and Bold:
Early Christians were bold, confident, and courageous. How we pray is an indicator if we’ve strayed from that.

The early Church was confident in the sovereignty of God and bold in speaking God’s word.  Our prayers are indicators if we have strayed from those qualities.