Week of March 2

Week of March 2

Week 9: Help when Hated – John 15:18-16:4Jesus tells His disciples that they will experience hate and persecution as they seek to do good, follow Jesus and reach others with the Gospel. Jesus promises He is with us, will help us and use us to reach others.LIVE OAK CONNECTION POINT:We would love for

L Live Oak
Week of February 23

Week of February 23

The Upper Room: A Seat at the Table – John 13-17Knowing the time was fast approaching for Jesus to depart this world He spent His final hours with His closest friends gathered around a table in the upper room. This was more than a meal. It was a teaching moment of great importance to them…and to us

M Madison Romig
Week of February 16

Week of February 16

The Upper Room: A Seat at the Table – John 13-17Knowing the time was fast approaching for Jesus to depart this world He spent His final hours with His closest friends gathered around a table in the upper room. This was more than a meal. It was a teaching moment of great importance to them…and to us

M Madison Romig